A spiritual awakening is an incredible time in your life that can really open the way for huge change and growth in your life, but you may worry and wonder ‘how will I know?’. Well, don’t panic, if the universe is shaking you up you will know the signs! Here are a few little (tongue-in-cheek) indicators that you’ll notice if life’s little wake-up alarm is ringing …
Stage 1. You are introduced to a self-development book.
Stage 2. Your perspective of life changes and your existence takes on a new meaning due to the influence of the book.
Stage 3. You start to see the deeper meaning behind your relationships and your family dynamics.
Stage 4. You start to discuss your new philosophy with friends and family who think you have gone mad, so you try a self- development group to meet like-minded people, so you can at least feel normal and accepted for an hour or so.
Stage 5. You start watching Alien and/or conspiracy theory videos on YouTube and start to become paranoid that you are being controlled by the government and media. Your mind is ticking over.
Stage 6. You try to warn your friends, family and work colleagues about the corruption and conspiracy and convince them they are under mind control and to stop watching TV.
Stage 7. You try a past life regression and discover you were a healer in another life but you’re still not fully ‘awake’ so you convince yourself you just made the whole thing up.
Stage 8. You learn a new skill such as Reiki and you want heal everyone.
Stage 9. You then discover you still have to pay the bills as not that many people are crying out for Reiki and you wonder what’s wrong with these people!
Stage 10. You start to Reiki the cat as he seems more interested (vaguely anyway!)
Stage 11. You give up trying, you surrender to the universe and then the journey REALLY begins.
When you have moments like this it’s easy to give up the search and reach for the TV remote (and a huge tub of ice-cream) because you haven’t had that pinnacle moment when you sprout your Angel wings and celestial music replaces your farts! But all jokes aside, what you really need to do is turn your attention and awareness deep within and start exploring your own psyche, ask yourself awkward questions about your true-essence, dig deep and don’t look for the answers anywhere else – it’s all inside you waiting to be discovered!
A good place to start can be to book a soul life purpose reading to help guide you on your own path. Find out more here.