Transmute your Three Major Blocks to Success

Written by Anne M
August 1, 2019

For many of us, growing into emotionally and spiritually mature beings has been a lifelong challenge.

Our society has influenced our development so much so that health and wholeness are not passive milestones, but goals we must actively work to meet.

On some level, each of us aspires to reach emotional and spiritual understanding. We seek maturity, comprehension, and inner peace. And as we navigate our own spiritual natures, we turn more and more towards self-development to do this.

development industry are designed to deepen our understanding of ourselves, our chakras, and our energy awareness.

The Soul Awakening Method uses several concepts surrounding spiritual growth and development to help you more easily develop into a wholly integrated and empowered individual.

We will use our chakras and our early developmental experiences to explore our motivations and current behaviours. We will then use this newfound understanding to identify our level of consciousness and ultimately, our unreleased potential.

The release of negative habits and energy are essential to our growth and success. And to enable us to move forward, we will need to identify and remove the barriers to our energy that are not yet flowing as they should.

It is only when we upgrade ourselves and our consciousness that we may contact the higher centres of our awareness and live according to the deep wisdom we hold. Our experiences lead to our behaviours. And our primary behaviours and personalities eventually give rise to the archetypes with which we identify ourselves.

How has your archetype become your fixed behavioural pattern and why? Would you like to rewrite this behaviour pattern by rewriting your story?

Taking an objective view of yourself right now, which ‘archetype’ are you most associated with? Are you:

  • The good mother
  • The dutiful carer
  • The doting wife
  • The victim
  • The abandoned child
  • The fixer
  • The healer
  • The rebel
  • Something else?


The Soul Awakening Method is designed to help clear out the conditioning and false expectations placed upon you so far. The therapy helps to find your authenticity and connect to your soul’s purpose and give you balance within each of the seven main stages.

Understanding your chakras and the influence they have over your physical, energetic and emotional health can be revolutionary in the way you live your life from here on in.

So let’s discover more about each chakra. How has your energy, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing defined your life?

The First Stage – Root Chakra – Foundations

In this line of inquiry, we invite you to dig deep and assess your current life’s situation, the possibilities, the challenges and opportunities.

Imagine you had the task of building your own house. First you would need to make sure the foundations were in place to support you as you build your house from the ground up.

For anything to be sustainable and weather the challenging conditions life might throw at you, you will need to construct your life on solid, supportive, stable foundations.

If, for any reason, your foundations don’t fully support your hopes, dreams and wishes, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to become the best architect and create a masterpiece, your life.

How do we relate this to coaching? Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the life you want. Feeling that you are worthy of love, money and success. We look at the foundations your life is built upon, do they feel secure, stable or shaky and week? What blocks do you have? What goals do you have? What hidden beliefs do you have currently creating your life as it is now?


The second stage – Sacral Chakra (emotions)

At this stage, your foundations are in place and you are thinking of your next step. This is your outlook on life via your emotions relationships, creativity and intimacy and how well you handle challenges. This line of questioning is designed to help you understand your emotions.

How do we relate this to coaching? Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the relationships, fulfilment, enjoyment and even the body you want. At this stage we look at your values, emotions and relationships.


The third stage – Solar Plexus Chakra (power)

In step 3 of this line of inquiry for soul truth, we are required to really focus on our internal self-belief system. By using self-inquiry you can discover where your true authentic power lies and where you are giving away.

In this step, we outline the inner voice, strengths and self-determination.

How do we relate this to coaching? Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the success and recognition you want. We look at your self-belief, motivation, what you identify with, how you project yourself into the world, your success and limiting beliefs.


The fourth stage – Heart Chakra (love)

The questions here are designed to be self-directed, allowing us to see how well we nurture ourselves. In this next step, we outline our desires, gratitude and unconditional love —the very essence of soul awakening. The questions come from within are directed to our innermost selves.

How do we relate this to coaching? Here we are at love, forgiveness and gratitude. When we step in to the vibration of love all your blocks will dissipate. When we truly learn to value ourselves and appreciate our own worth by recognising our strengths and appreciating what we have to offer the world we are able to live a more self-directed life. You are able to tap into an unseen resource, that is the creative force that creates and holds all thongs together. In this high vibration you are able to become a co-creator of your life.


Your journey is only just beginning

Studying the Soul Awakening Method will give you a solid foundation upon which to build a new, exciting and fulfilling new purpose in your life.

After experiencing your own soul awakening, you can share our message with others and guide them to implement and achieve positive changes in their own lives, bringing about deep transformation and healing for both you, and your clients.

As you have discovered, our method uses a unique blend of holistic coaching and spiritual techniques to immerse you in an in-depth study of holistic life coaching.

But your journey doesn’t end here, we offer a range of complementary courses and training to fine-tune your skills and experience, so you can carry on helping others to find their true calling and awaken their soul.

To find out more, visit

I look forward to being at your side as your journey to a better life unfolds.

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