Awakened Heart-Healing

All The Tools You Need To Become a Successful Spiritual Retreat Leader!

Date TBC for 2023

For Women Who Desire To Coach Powerfully + Access the Healing Wisdom of the Heart

With Anne-Marie Mayers, Founder of Soul Awakening Academy®

Discover the 4 Essential Keys to Support People on their Path of Transformation.

Safely Go at the Roots of Emotional Core Wounds

Experience Inner Growth from the Wisdom of Your Heart

Ready to Learn how to Provide Safe Energy Healing?

Ready to Heal Deeper Than You've Ever Gone Before?

Ready to Up level your Business and Generate an Income Stream that Enables a Fantastic Lifestyle?

Ready to Transform Your Life in Service to Humanity?

Spiritual Coaching

Our Most Powerful Training

Affirmations Courses | Soul Awakening Academy

In our constantly-evolving world, clients desire rapid improvements in their well-being, seeking out therapy solutions that will deliver profound inner change in the shortest time.

People are ready to heal, face their shadow and create a life that inspires them. Help your clients heal deeper than ever before and have the skills to guide them towards their GREATEST transformation. Release blocks, limiting beliefs and dysfunctional emotional habits accumulated through childhood. Heal your past and create your best future by healing through the Chakras. Learn a step-by-step method, heal profoundly and release the embedded wounds the mind alone cannot uncover.

1. Discover the Foundation for Safe & Deep Healing

2. Support Inner Growth with the Energy of Your Heart

3. Experience a Meaningful Life in Service to Humanity

What Awakened Heart-Healing can achieve for you
and your clients


Overcome and release limiting beliefs, fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas


Create more compassion and love for themselves and others


See personal relationships in a new light and make new friends


Achieve breakthroughs in challenges and stuck behaviours


Gain greater health, happiness and peace of mind


Unlock their frozen or caged heart to unconditional love


Create more compassion and love for themselves and others

Affirmations Courses | Soul Awakening Academy

What the training includes

Deeply powerful & transformative techniques delivered online and in person with Master Spiritual Coach & Healer Anne-Marie PLUS Guest Experts.

Reflections, rituals, healings, ceremonies & deep transformation through the chakras.

Going through the Awakened Heart-Healing™ journey and feeling the benefits for yourself.

Expert training, knowledge and content to run your own retreats for healing.

Being taught how to hold space with your clients.

Awakened Heart-Healing training and workbooks to use with your clients.

Heart Chakra

The Theory Behind Our Training

Is childhood at its core – 

Our lives as children are deeply impacted by the environment of our early upbringing, where we may unconsciously take on negative behaviours, beliefs and attitudes in order to gain love. This can become a generational cycle that is hard to break – but with awareness, it’s possible. Children in dysfunctional families learn how to survive in the world. They learnt how to be independent and take care of themselves. They learnt how to meet the needs of others so that they never felt alone or abandoned. But sometimes, they forget who they are. They forgot their own needs and suppressed their feelings. They might have become overly responsible and flexible. They may try to be perfect to feel loved and never left alone. Or on the flip side, they might isolate themselves and think they need no one. The Awakened Heart-Healing journey will trace back to the root of any negativity we may have adopted and can help us let go of any pain, grief, anger or shame associated with those experiences, providing an opportunity for growth and renewal.

    Our Process venues offer tranquil and luxurious environments nestled in exquisite natural surroundings. Although the experience may sometimes be intense or emotionally and physically testing, it is designed to provide an enriching journey of self-discovery.

    The Process takes you on an inner journey through a carefully-crafted blend of modalities. You may spend time journeying deep within yourself through meditation and guided visualisations or use Rituals to get in touch with your subconscious mind – although you’re supported, encouraged and often inspired by other group members; you must focus on your own journey for the best results.

    Spirituality plays a fundamental role in steering our destiny and achieving long-term well-being. Through the 4 spiritual energy centres, we can tap into deeply buried emotions that would have otherwise gone unnoticed; this unlocks new levels of healing potential that lay dormant within ourselves.

    Each session covers a different chakra as we progress from the Muldahra (root) to the Anahatta (heart). There are questionnaires, creative exercises, somatic practices, meditations, rituals & ceremony practices. You will receive handouts during and after each session, adding to a comprehensive personal and teacher training manual.

    This retreat will allow you to heal on a cellular and meditative level and reconnect to yourself through various energy practices and meditation.

    You Must...

    Hold a relevant coaching or similar qualification or have undertaken our spiritual coaching & healing foundation training

    Have a desire to go deeper with your healing abilities

    Want to lead & facilitate transformational healing groups

    Want to be seen as a unique leader in transformational change

    Want to excel in a spiritual healing model of transformation

    Already have experience working with others, running groups or have the ability to step into this

    Be ready to step up as a transformational leader

    Heart Chakra

    Root Chakra

    Ritual & Purification
    Sharing Circle
    Release & Regenerate
    Reflection, Coaching & Journaling

    Sacral Chakra

    Ritual & Purification
    Sharing Circle
    Inner Child & Family Healing
    Reflection, Coaching & Journaling


    Solar Plexus

    Ritual & Purification
    Sharing Circle
    Fit Pit Power Ceremony
    Reflection, Coaching & Journaling

    Heart Chakra

    Ritual & Purification
    Sharing Circle
    Caco Ceremony
    Awakening Heart-Healing
    Reflection, Coaching & Journaling

    Your path to inner truth & personal success starts now!

    “Hi, I’m Anne-Marie, Master Coach & Spiritual Healer and creator of the Soul Awakening Academy®.

    “I am so ready to guide you to awaken to your Soul Purpose, activate your divine gifts and step into your power to create the extraordinary life and business you desire and deserve. You have been honoured with spiritual gifts from the universe – now it is time for you to shine your brightest and support others to awaken.

    My Awakened Heart-Healing™ Retreat is the life-changing experience you are so ready for!”


    chakra life coach

    What our Students say

    "Takes Coaching to the next Level!"


    “This takes coaching to the next level. Now I have the tools to identify what needs working on, I can see myself incorporating this with my coaching practice as I think they both work nicely together. I like the connection between coaching & energy healing. Loved the last exercise we did with the cards – the Soul Transformation Technique & E.F.T .”

    Jade – Holistic Life-Coach

    "One of the Best Decisions I've ever made!"


    “Anne Marie is an amazing coach and teacher. Undertaking her Master Spiritual Life Coach course was one of the best decisions I have made. Her Soul Awakening Academy is amazing. Anne Marie is spiritual, but also real, down to earth, friendly and a gorgeous soul. I  look forward to working with her in the future. I would urge you to work with Anne Marie.”

    Jennifer, Holistic Life-Coach

    "I've learned so much!"


    “I highly recommend Anne- Marie’s Soul Awakening Academy. I have learnt so much and I have been able to really figure out my passion and understand where I want to take my healing and coaching business. Anne-Marie is one of the most humble, kind and knowledgeable teachers I have ever come across and I’m excited to continue to learn more from her.”

    Saffron – Company OwnerReiki Bliss

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the Prerequisites?

    You must be trained coach, therapist, practitioner or have experience working with others. If you do not have any experience please take our Spiritual Facilitation Training.

    Is accommodation provided?

    Accomodation is not included unless otherwise stated. Therefore you will need to arrange your own accomodation.

    Do I need travel insurance?

    Yes, if you are travelling from abroad you will need to obtain your own insurance.

    Can I attend if I am on medication?

    Yes, but please inform us of any health issues in advance. We are not trained medical health professionals and you are therefore responsible for your own health. 

    Can I use my workbooks on my family & friends?

    Yes, once trained as a Certified & Licensed Awakened Heart-Healer you may use these materials in your business. We encourage you to share your experience and insights with others and to recommend to others to attend an Awakened Heart-Healing retreat where they will benefit from the support of a professional, facilitated experience.

    Can I reproduce, amend, sell or adapt the workbooks?

    No, the workbooks must remain intact, and you will have a License Agreement in place that states how you are to use the workbooks, along with any resources provided by Soul Awakening Academy Ltd.

    How quickly can I get up & running?

    You can get up and running as quickly as you like.It depends on your plan, such as running retreats, offering VIP weekends, etc. Note that if you are starting from scratch, you should allow yourself six months in preparation time leading up to your first retreat. This gives you time to complete the training program, select venues and dates, and get your promotional activity in place.
    It can all happen quickly, but you need to stay focused and get started with your training! Once you have signed your agreement, you will gain access to many vitally essential resources that you’ll love.

    What is the cost of the renewal?

    Your license is renewable on an annual basis.

    The cost of your first year is covered in your training

    The cost of renewal after your first year is 450 GBP* – this includes your loyalty discount.

    This is your time and you are READY to heal, transform and uplevel!