Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?

So, this was a post I recently put on Facebook and it got a lot of interesting comments and feedback about peoples’ versions of healing, or even if it’s possible to heal from emotional wounds of the past.

So, what does it mean to heal? Well if we think about it in the physical sense healing is a natural innate invisible force almost that comes from within, without sometimes having to consciously think about healing. Our bodies naturally take over that healing process for us.

If you cut your skin, the skin will heal. If you break a bone, maybe, with a little alignment, it will heal and go back to perfect form. So, what about our emotional wounds? Why is it more difficult to move past the hurt and injustices that were caused in our life? Why is it that we can allow the natural healing of our bodies to take place, but we are unable to heal and move on unscathed from emotional wounds? Why is it, therefore, that we cannot find that same ability to heal from emotional wounds?

Emotional wounds, somehow, carry a charge. They stay and they almost seem to stick around in the body, and we can so easily tap into that memory of our deepest emotional wounds.

When we tap into those memories, we can almost relive the feeling like it’s happening all over again. We may feel those feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, shame, fear, and they can feel as real today as they did, 10 15, 20 years’ ago. Emotions carry charge but what is it around that charge that emotion that keeps it so alive. I believe that there’s always a story around our emotions and our memories. This is something I work deeply with my clients, and what I have trained people in is a model called S.E.T. We listen to that client’s story and we look at how that’s affecting them on an energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Then we help them make the transformation.

So, let’s now use this on your emotional wound. Think about something that still carries a lot of emotional charge. When you think about that, you will get a mental image and you may even relive the version of the story, as it’s still alive and active in you. Just notice as an observer, what happens to your physical body when you recall this memory. Notice what happens to your emotions. What emotions are present that are attached to this story? What thoughts come up for you when you attach to this story? What beliefs do you have about yourself in this situation and most importantly, what inner self-talk is present? What is it you’re telling yourself about this story because this is what really holds the emotional charge for you? Are you telling yourself a story around victimhood, injustice, unfairness, sorrow, abandonment, guilt? Your ‘story’ holds within it, an archetype, which is an energetic projection of what you feel. For instance, the abandoned child. Quite often, as children, we didn’t have the capacity to speak our truth to fully stand up for ourselves and to have justice be balanced, so it was fair on all sides. Quite often, we’re left with a deep feeling of injustice and victimhood and that might rightly be so based on the situation you were in at the time. If you were able to voice your feelings so you felt empowered and your voice was heard and the scales of justice were balanced. How would that make you feel about your deepest emotional wound? How much charge do you feel it would carry then, when justice had been done, and the scales of justice were balanced fairly? What would you say and to whom if you were able to speak your truth? You may even be able to pick one or two positives that came from that situation.

One of the responses on the post was, we just have to learn to live with our wounds. Yes, in a way that’s absolutely what we do, because we carry on, and we survive. But how is that really affecting the overall potential of your life living with your emotional wounds? It can affect you negatively, whereby you’re stuck in the story, the negative story. You’re repeating similar patterns of behaviour from that experience. Oh, you can take a deeper look at your behaviours and the choices you’ve made as a consequence of that event, and ask yourself is this in my highest alignment. To really understand yourself, you need to know what it is you want for your life, not just in the material sense but on the deepest, emotional, spiritual sense, What do you want to create for your life, so you can lead a joyous fulfilled, happy life? Is the way that you’re currently thinking, feeling and behaving in alignment to this ideal life? You may come to the realisation that you’re actually stuck in a script that was born from this negative experience. You have the power to choose who you want to be. You have the power to recreate yourself at any second, minute, day of your life. You are creating your destiny because you are a co-creator with the universe, through your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. If you feel trapped stuck, unable to move forward, that is simply another story you’re telling yourself. If you continue to tell yourself this story, you will continue to condition and create that version of a reality for you. It is up to you how you live your life, you are in control. Nobody else can change your life for you become an observer of your thoughts, become an observer of your behaviours and actions and choices. If you feel they are stuck and still attached to your deepest emotional wound this is where the healing needs to take place. But you must allow this healing to take place. You must become conscious of where the healing needs to take place, and play your part in helping this healing take place.

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