Written by Anne M
January 2, 2024

At the Soul Awakening Academy, we wholeheartedly feel in every fibre of our being that every human should have an opportunity to find their true purpose, to awaken their soul and, as far as we’re concerned, the more people that can benefit, the better this world will become. So, with that in mind, should we be focussing on one type of clientele?


As coaches, we become immensely gifted with the chance to work with people of all varying types, at differing stages of their lives. We engage on such a deep level with people who are soul searching – from big-shot directors making multi-millions yearning a bit of spark to the unwaged simply wanting to feel happier in their own skin and to be able to look at themselves in the mirror. They may be dreamers and thinkers and it’s our job to turn them into doers, to be bold, brave and brilliant. The possibilities of human fulfilment is literally infinite and it’s so exciting to know that you play your part in rousing something so magical, you’ve illuminated a path towards a daring adventure. You’ve shaken them to awaken them and they no longer think, ‘There’s no way I could ever do that.’ We move forward, free from bias and judgement and ask those bold questions with understanding, empathy, kindness and confidence.


You may find that as you trawl through your vast repertoire of clients, something – or someone – has drawn you closer, piqued your interest or made your heart race. Buried within your collection of case files may spring out a specialised set of people that have made you sat up and take particular interest. You may have found yourself moving towards mothers, low-level managers or the top-brass movers and shakers. In other words, your niche may seek you out, regardless of when the realisation hits you. You may find you are counselling coaches, all at various stages of their coaching career. The point being that if you focussed your intent on helping these certain groups, it could provide more clarity and the enthusiasm to push your own boundaries, challenge your own limits, and incentivise you to track results, using lots of tailored techniques, and share learning experiences. Analysing who you are working with can bring about a profound sense of lucidity about yourself as a coach and who you want to work with, those people may be drawn towards you. It is our clients who make us. Niche or no niche, the role of coach is invaluable.








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