The Solar Plexus Chakra – Your City of Jewels

Our blog this week takes a look at the third of the 7 main Chakras – The Solar Plexus Chakra.

In this blog we have a special gift for you. You can now access FREE training and learn how to use the pendulum for energy healing. You access the training here.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or ‘Manipura’ in Sanskrit, translates to “City of Jewels’ and is located around your navel in the abdominal area where it governs both intuitive emotional ‘gut reactions’ and stored emotions thanks to its jurisdiction over the digestive system.

This Chakra is responsible for regulating our feelings about ourselves and how we feel about life. If the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or out of balance you may experience a lack of self-confidence, feel unworthy or even undeserving. You may even find yourself feeling easily irritated, fearful, anxious, depressed or worried.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is open and balanced you will find it easier to ensure your life contains regular self-care which in turn will allow you to show more patience to others in your life, as well as an bringing you an increased sense of contentment and joy! 

Name: Manipura (meaning ‘City of Jewels’ in Sanskrit) 

Location: Located around the navel 

Colour: Yellow 

Relates to:  Self-esteem, sense of purpose, personal identity, individual will, digestion, and metabolism 

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is open & clear: You will find that you feel alive and have the self-esteem, motivation and confidence to take action and be productive. You will notice more positivity and less fear and anxiety in your everyday life

The Solar Plexus Chakra can become blocked by: past traumas that are stored in the body where they continue to affect thought patterns and behaviours. For example, if you have experienced a particularly strict upbringing, bullying, or have suffered mental or physical abuse 

Some common symptoms of imbalance or blockage:  you may find that you lack courage, have low self-esteem and feel stagnant and inert. This can lead to pain or other gastric symptoms like nausea or vomiting during episodes of anxiety 

Questions to ask if you notice any of the symptoms of blockage of the Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Am I experiencing feelings of insecurity in my life?
  • Am I struggling with self-esteem?
  • Do I feel that I am unable to set boundaries?
  • Do I regularly suffer with digestive problems such as constipation, IBS or stomach upset?
  • Do I have addictive tendencies?

If you find your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or out of alignment you could try some different methods to see what makes your Solar Plexus Chakra happy.  We suggest:  

  • Acknowledge that your Solar Plexus Chakra needs some love and attention
  • If possible, sit in front of a fire or burn a yellow candle
  • Eat natural yellow coloured foods such as bananas, peppers and lemons
  • Take time to meditate or spend time out in nature
  • Wear yellow or gold coloured clothing and jewellery and fill your room with yellow pictures and ornaments
  • Use healing crystals such as Tiger’s Eye, Citrine or Yellow Topaz

Using a pendulum to clear your Solar Plexus Chakra

You can see the video I made recently about how to clear and balance your Solar Plexus Chakra with a pendulum here.  You can also download a free PDF to use alongside your pendulum here.

Finally, Affirmations are incredibly healing for our Chakras and we invite you to choose as many of the following that resonate with you and to either say them out loud or silently to yourself, as many times a day as you wish (more is better!).  Repeat this over the coming days and then ask yourself the questions once again to see if your Solar Plexus Chakra is healthy once again.

Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing Statements: 

  • As I take on new challenges, I feel calm, confident, and powerful
  • I feel motivated to pursue my purpose
  • I am ambitious and capable
  • I forgive myself for past mistakes, and I learn from them
  • The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations
  • I have the courage to create positive change in my life
  • I stand in my personal power

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about using the pendulum for energy healing, why not take our FREE TRAINING?  You can find full details here.

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