What will I learn when I become a Spiritual Life Coach?

When you become a spiritual life coach with the Soul Awakening Academy, you will be at the start of an incredible, transformational journey towards your finding – and living – your true purpose.

It’s a wonderful, life-changing voyage towards becoming the very best person you can be, and helping your clients to change their own lives in the process.

When you train to become a spiritual life coach with us, you’ll learn the concepts and techniques and develop the skills you need to have a long and lasting positive impact on the people you work with.

We’ll show you how to become intuitive, open-hearted and tuned-in to everything you do, and instil the attitude you need to become a great spiritual life coach.

What does it take to become a spiritual life coach with Soul Awakening Academy?

 Soul Awakening Coaching is about being open, intuitive understanding yourself on a deeper level as your own transformation unfolds as you take this course to develop yourself and enhance your own life first.

It’s also about being authentic and honest without regard for how good you look in front of your clients and peers.

It is about creating real-world results, even if the work is hard. Awkwardness or discomfort should not sway you from the work that needs to be done.

It’s not always about being the good guy. Sometimes saying what the client needs to hear, rather than what they want to hear, is the best path to results.

It may not always be pretty, but it’s worth it for the client to grow.

Our unique and pioneering approach to spiritual life coaching combines the latest cutting-edge coaching techniques such as positive psychology & NLP with ancient wisdom of the spiritual chakra system tad meditation o achieve outstanding results.

It will enable you to help a diverse range of clients work through their issues with a powerful new and radical approach to coaching.

It uses a combination of techniques to help uncover limiting beliefs and eliminate negative patterns of behaviour, to achieve emotional and spiritual balance.

It will enable you to help yourself, and others, to gain better control over relationships, emotions, health, weight, alcohol and/or drugs, confidence, beliefs, self-esteem and money.

Story. Energy. Transformation

Soul Awakening Academy uses a unique, three-step transformational change model that has been honed over many years. It aims to put the client firmly in the driver’s seat as they take control of their own destiny.

The process is called SET, which stands for Story, Energy, Transformation.

In the rest of this blog, we’ll take a look at the Story aspect, and the effect that a negative inner narrative can have on people’s lives.

Rewrite your story

In order to become a spiritual life coach, you’ll need to learn, understand and practise the art of intuitive listening and energy healing.

Connecting with your client and trusting your intuition requires a deep listening technique about presence, which brings about Intuitive Listening.

It’s about being in the moment with your client and being at one with your higher self.

And it’s about bringing yourself into a conversation that fully immerses you into hearing the unmet needs, beliefs, and emotions of the client.

Within the story phase, the client has built up an inner dialogue that they are telling themselves about their current situation.

With your guidance, you can help your client see the story they are telling themselves and how this affects their well-being and goal achievement.

By helping them change this negative inner dialogue to a more positive theme will be the key that unlocks their transformation.

This is all about uncovering the depths of these hidden truths, and helping your client to bring them to the light as you work together to find the source of the problem and a clear path towards fast and effective transformation.

Intuitive listening also allows you to ask questions that will rapidly lead your client to game-changing insights about themselves, before helping them to rewrite their story, take control of their destiny and affect a positive change.

If you would like to find out more about intuitive listening, the Soul Awakening Coaching Method and how we can help you become a spiritual life coach and help others to unlock their inner peace and happiness, get in touch today.

And keep your eyes peeled for our next blog, which will focus on the ‘Energy’ part of the SET model and its importance to the spiritual healing process.

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