How to bring about lasting spiritual transformation in your clients
Transformation is the final element of the Soul Awakening coaching method, which we call the SET model.
This phase occurs when we help our client to visualise the best version of themselves, make an inner-personal commitment and then step into this higher self.
It’s all about creating a new archetype that’s the opposite of their original one, by helping the client to shift their limiting beliefs and mindset, and take inspired action to achieving their goals.
In our previous two blogs, we took a closer look at the ‘Story’ and ‘Energy’ parts of the SET model.
Here, we look at ‘Transformation’ and helping our clients to shift their thoughts, feelings and behaviours to become fully-aligned to the commitment they have made to becoming the best version of themselves.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it, but how do we achieve it?
Change the narrative
In the ‘Story’ phase of the SET model, we saw how the client learns how their current story, or inner narrative, is actively creating their current reality and negatively affecting their energy.
By showing them how to change their internal state, we can help them to change the way they think and act.
By working with the client’s current reality or story, we are helping them develop better energy management, using the four pillars of well-being we learned about in the ‘Energy’ stage of the SET model.
It is now the time to build on this and help the client create a new and empowering narrative that will support them and propel them forward in their life’s journey.
This is achieved by working closely with your client to help them make a solid inner personal commitment to themselves to be the best they can be.
Their transformation can go as far as we are willing to take it.
But unless we bring awareness and clarity to all aspects of our client’s life, the impacts will be limited.
The SET model will equip you with a host of tools that you can use to empower your clients.
You can use any combination of them to help your client know themselves on a level so deep that they truly believe they can reach for the stars.
The goal of the ‘Transformation’ phase is to inspire your client to make the changes required to better their lives.
It’s not about making the changes for them. It’s actually about cultivating the commitment and belief within themselves so that in the face of any new challenge, they can walk with confidence.
If you would like to find out more about the Soul Awakening Coaching Method and how we can help you become a spiritual life coach and help others to unlock their inner peace and happiness, get in touch today.