Clear the Past & Make Way for a Better Future

How do you rewrite your story?

The Soul Awakening Method is my unique coaching and teaching method which helps you transform the 3 major blocks to love, money & success. It is simple yet extremely effective and all you have to do is use my 3 step process below.

Healing – or ‘aligning’, as I like to call it is a three-step process that I have created called S.E.T. It usually involves:

S – Story – Listen to the story you are telling yourself about how your life is.

E – Energy – Become aware of the impact your story is having on your energy & wellbeing. Use the four pillars of wellbeing to gauge its affect on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

T – Transform the problem by re-framing the beliefs so you become empowered and in control of your life. Get to the root cause of the problem (your limiting beliefs) by changing the narrative about who you are.

  • You’ve got understand the story you’re living right now (and how/why that story came to be)
  • You’ve got to know who yourself inside and out to know who you truly are
  • You’ve got to take back control over writing your own story and start living THAT story as quickly as possible.

All of our stories, even the ones filled with pain and anger, form from our unconscious hidden beliefs.

Our limiting beliefs are hidden so deep within our mind that we have no clue they are controlling our reality. Our hidden beliefs are the one saying, ‘no’ when we mean ‘yes’ They are the one passively hiding its light because it can’t stand to be rejected. They are the one saying, ‘I’m fine, it’s okay.’ When really you’re not but for some reason, something inside you says you’re not enough, don’t deserve to be validated or who do you think you are speaking up. They are the one running your life for YOU!

Your stories support your beliefs which add to the collective tapestry of what it means to be human.

Regaining control of your emotions

Embracing all of our emotions, including the ones we tend to avoid like anger, resentment, powerlessness, frustration, despair and bitterness, is crucial to defining what we choose to create in the future.

The amazing thing about our life experience is that we can tell a story however we choose. You are in charge of the perspective. You are in charge of the details. You are in charge of the end result.

What stories about yourself and your life are you telling?

Are you a victim, surviving or thriving?

Are you trapped in an old story or are you re-writing and creating new ones?

Do you stop to check in yourself to see why life isn’t the way you want it?

Do you believe that you can change your status quo?

When you understand that you have the freedom to tell any story you choose, it gives you the creative power to invoke whichever emotion or energy you desire in your reality.

If you are telling stories of victimhood, you will invoke more victimhood experiences and metaphors in your life.

If you are telling stories of failure, you will invoke more failure experiences into your life.

If you are telling stories of joy, delight and success, you will be invoking experiences of joy, delight and success into your life.

Surrender & Let Go

Letting go is a huge part of the transformation process. You have to be 100% committed to becoming the person you want to become. When you let go of the pain and suffering you create the space to fill up with the things you really want. Sometimes even knowing what you want is hard to do.

Ready to Clear the Past?

If you are ready to do something about this, clear the past and create a better future then you are welcome to join my online Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy series here.

If you want to use this powerful method to help transform the lives of others, join my certified coaching course here.

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