spiritual facilitator

Coaches, Therapists, Healers | Ready to Become a Powerful Spiritual Facilitator & Scale Your Business?


  • Unlock your hidden potential and become a powerful spiritual facilitator & coach.
  • Facilitate workshops, groups, circles, or individual coaching that will truly transform lives with all the content done-for-you.
  • Learn the skills needed to scale your business exponentially while deepening your connection to source and supporting others on their healing journey.
  • Take your coaching or therapy business to the next level with this unique program for coaches, therapists, and healers who are ready to become a powerful spiritual facilitator. Learn how to transform your practice and help others achieve their goals.

Our Spiritual Facilitator training gives you everything you need to become a powerful spiritual facilitator & energy healer PLUS access to our downloadable Business-in-a-Box, done-for-you Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy coaching program ready for you to deliver unprecedented transformations for your clients every time.

Become a Sell-Out Spiritual Facilitator

Make more impact & profit with our Business-in-a-Box training and powerful healing resources!

Unlock Your Spiritual Potential, Learn My Most Powerful Work Yet!

Are you a Coach, Therapist or Healer Who is Ready to Become a Powerful Spiritual Facilitator & Scale your Business Exponentially? 

Transform your career as a coach, healer or therapist with this Spiritual Facilitator Training program.

Learn to channel powerful energy healing & coaching techniques from accredited master coach Anne-Marie Mayers. Transform yourself & your clients with Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy!

Get the knowledge, materials and support you need to become a powerful spiritual facilitator & healer.

Transform yourself, heal from negative childhood experiences, and help others create lasting change. Join us to unlock your true potential today.


spiritual healing


You’ve been dreaming of leading your own healing circles, groups, workshops, retreats or one to one transformations but want all the content done for you. 



You’re ready to scale your business travelling the world, transforming lives while making a lucrative income. 



You’re ready to experience your next level of growth personally & professionally and deliver unprecedented transformations. 

Become The Go To Healer

And increase your income & impact. Soul Awakening Academy will support you to lead with confidence and wisdom as you become a Spiritual Facilitator.

What is The Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy healing program? 

Based on my book Alchemy for the Soul, my Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® training gives you the skills to clear and release limiting beliefs from childhood, enabling you to make life choices from a place of self-love, self-acceptance, inner-strength, wisdom & trust.

Research by the famous Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, upon which the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® is based, called it “self-actualisation”. And it makes sense. We all strive to grow and evolve to become self-actualised, to be free to pursue our destiny and live the life we truly deserve.

Each chakra represents an age or step in our life where negative experiences become locked and stored in our cellular memory. These experiences unconsciously become part of who we are but not necessarily who we want or are destined to be. Healing the negative imprinting contained within the 7 chakras will unlock your true-self and provide clarity in all areas of your life. 

Complete with 7 client workbooks (one for each chakra), 7 client reflective journals, 7 chakra meditations, scripts, assessments, chakra alchemy energy healing manual and resources that ensure you deliver transformational results every time.

Awakened Heart healing retreat


Have everything you need to deliver our ready-made, done-for-you structured Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy coaching & healing program.



Use Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy to host workshops, groups, circles, online or in person, couples or individual coaching that will truly transform lives.



This complete Business-In-A-Box will enable you to deliver our transformational healing program in a variety of settings to suit your business.



Energetic alignment to your gifts & talents so you step out as a powerful leader. Facilitate healing so powerfully that your clients will have major life-changing breakthroughs and awakenings so you can change lives for the better.

And the best bit!  You don’t need ANY content creation skills as everything is done-for-you, ready to use with your clients. All you need to do is facilitate such powerful awakenings online or in person.

“Simply fantastic! Well structured, easily accessible, thorough content and really enjoyable” 

I’m so pleased that I made the choice to study with the Soul Awakening Academy and I’m already looking at further courses to expand my teaching capabilities. thank you! – Emma Riddick

Anne-Marie Mayers | Soul Awakening Academy


As a Powerful Spiritual Leader!

Spirituality is a booming business right now. More and more people want to learn a path to inner peace by healing their past and creating a fulfilling future.

Most clients will have tried traditional mindset-based therapies with significant but temporary effects. Clients are looking for long-term solutions to their problems, and now I’m going to teach you how to do it too and create the life you deserve.

Hi, I’m Anne-Marie. After years of failed relationships, childhood trauma and feeling broken, I knew I had to change the story I was telling myself of self-hate, worthlessness and rejection. Eventually, through the techniques I share with you in this training, I have embraced my true self and blossomed into the abundant teacher & healer I was born to be.

Upon completion of the course, you will be a certified Spiritual Facilitator trained to use the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy coaching program with your clients and use the ready-made materials, chakra workbooks, client assessments & resources to set up and deliver this work via spiritual workshops, retreats, healing circles, groups & coaching to others.


The Modern World Needs a New Generation of Healing Facilitators

Spirituality is a booming business right now. More and more people want to learn a path to inner peace by healing their past and creating a fulfilling future.


This is for you if:

You have a background in coaching, energy therapies or other and would love to add easier ways to make more money and more impact in your business.

You have been dreaming of shifting from working one to one, to one-to-many but haven’t had the time or energy to create your own course (and perhaps are not sure where to start!).

You want to help transform others on a deep level so they can transform themselves, their life & relationships.

You have felt called to create a program/workshop/course/retreat to scale your business, but want a solid base to build upon from someone who has proven results with creating and selling courses.

By The End Of The Course You Will Be Able To:

Learn how to meditate

Guide your clients through a powerful spiritual transformation.


Teach the wisdom of Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® and support deep healing & inner growth through the chakras.


Heal the 7 Emotional Core Wounds and facilitate deep healing in yourself and others.


Perform profound healing using Chakra Alchemy, Chakra Meditation & Inner Child Healing to awaken others on a journey towards healing and enlightenment.


Coach so powerfully that your clients will have major life-changing breakthroughs and awakenings so you can change lives for the better.


Access and use the ready-made materials, chakra workbooks, client assessments, Chakra Alchemy healing tools & resources to set up and deliver Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy via workshops, healing circles, groups & coaching to others.

Anne-Marie Mayers | Soul Awakening Academy

Reconnect with your true self in 7-steps


  • You suffer from limiting beliefs that tell you “you’re not good enough”
  • You feel a calling and a purpose for your life, but you don’t know how to pursue it
  • You know that you’re not reaching your true potential 
  • You’re afraid of being visible as who you really are
  • You’re frustrated at giving too much to others and not getting enough back
  • You struggle with self-doubt, over-worry, and perfectionism
  • You self-sabotage your relationships and career aspirations because you believe you are going to fail regardless

If any of that sounds like you, then you are in the right place.

The course takes the client on a profound journey of healing their not-enoughness, getting clear on who they are and learning how to turn their past into purpose & meaning so they create truly fulfilling futures.

What’s included in the seven steps?

meditation teacher diploma course

The Root Chakra

With a focus on the earliest part of your life, between 0-7 years old.

You will learn:

  • How to clear and release childhood conditioning formed in those years.
  • Become acquainted with yourself from as far back as in utero, ancestry, and past life. 
  • Heal the mother and father wound and release past hurts so they no longer thwart your self-belief. 
  • Release old emotions & core beliefs held in this chakra blocking your goal achievement.
  • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra
meditation teacher diploma course

The Sacral Chakra

With a focus on your childhood experiences between the ages of 7-14 that shaped the way you value yourself.

You will learn:

  • How to balance your emotions and rewrite your relationship patterns with yourself and others. 
  • Release old emotions & core beliefs held in this chakra blocking your self-worth.
  • Heal your inner child and reintegrate it into your adult self .
  • Empower your self-worth and inner wisdom.
  • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra
meditation teacher diploma course

The Solar Plexus Chakra

  •  Focus on your experiences between the ages of 14-22
  • Uncover how you project yourself to the world and evaluate whether or not it is in alignment with your inner feelings. 
  • Work on your power, motivation, drive, confidence, and self-esteem 
  • Release old emotions & core beliefs held in this chakra that are blocking your success
  • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra.
    meditation teacher diploma course

    The Heart Chakra

    With a focus on your attitude & beliefs towards love that developed between the ages of 22-29.

    We will:

      • Work on your relationship patterns and train yourself to love and forgive. 
      • Heal and release experiences that have caused you hurt and heartache.
      • Identify issues that are stopping you from experiencing unconditional love
      • Break out of negative thought patterns and open your heart to true love. 
      • Heal your heart and teach you to let go of old hurts and open your heart to the joy life has to offer. 
      • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra. 
      meditation teacher diploma course

      The Throat Chakra

      With a focus on authenticity and communicating your needs with other.

      We will:

      • Align your inner voice with what your heart truly wants 
      • Understand how your thoughts, words, and actions carry a vibration that manifests your reality. 
      • Gain a crystal clear vision on how you can manifest the life you want. 
      • Release and clear the emotional blocks stopping you from speaking your truth and expressing yourself authentically. 
      • Break out of patterns that are causing you to be overlooked, under-valued, and feel small. 
      • Heal parts of yourself that are not in alignment with your soul’s authentic path. 
      • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra. 
        meditation teacher diploma course

        The Third-Eye Chakra

        With a focus on your inner wisdom.

        We will:

        • Open up your inherent gifts of intuition and insight
        • Access the part of yourself that has a deep wisdom that goes beyond your comprehension. 
        • Transform the energy of uncertainty, confusion, and doubt about your soul’s purpose into an energy of certainty and confidence. 
        • Awaken the divine within. 
        • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra.
          meditation teacher diploma course

          The Crown Chakra

          With a focus on your higher-self.

          You will:

          • Enlighten to your soul’s mission and bigger purpose in the world 
          • Discover your soul’s purpose and live it
          • Transform any blocked energy that has manifested patterns of disconnect to your higher-self. 
          • Feel whole, connected, and one with your true-self and the divine. 
          • Connect with your  soul’s path. 
          • Perform Chakra Alchemy to raise your vibration, clear Karmic blocks and ancestral bonds trapped in this chakra.
            meditation teacher diploma course

            Inner Child Healing

            With a focus on understanding and healing your inner child.

            You will:

            • Understanding the Three-Layered Brain
            • Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind
            • Neuroscience & Neuroplasticity 
            • Mind Reprogramming
            • Seven Steps to Subconscious Reprogramming
              meditation teacher diploma course

              Energy Psychology

              With a focus of the mind/body connection.

              You will understand the:

              • Mind/Body Connection
              • Nervous system
              • Sacred Breath & The Vagus Nerve
              • The mind & emotions
                IPHM Accredited Courses
                We recommend Westminster Global, who are specialists in providing insurance for distance and online courses. You’ll also receive a discount for being one of our students if you follow this link!

                Transform your business with retreats and workshops

                Become a spiritual facilitator to support deep healing through the chakras.

                alchemy of soul

                Ready to learn with


                If you’re drawn to take this training there is a deeper calling stirring within getting you ready to move into a profound stage of personal & spiritual growth.

                The Soul Awakening Academy® was founded by Anne Marie, a Master Coach & Spiritual Healer.

                Her approach to spiritual healing is unlike anything else out there, because it draws on an array of spiritual and psychological research along with the experiences of her own spiritual journey and decades of experience coaching clients.

                Her unique and powerful techniques are at the heart of the academy’s signature program, “the seven steps to spiritual alchemy®”. 

                “It is through the strength of your spirit, you heal” – Anne Marie

                NORMAL PRICE £3997 – Early Bird £2222


                It was broken down into lovely bite size pieces which really gave me time to reflect and absorb in-between each module .  What is also brilliant is that even after passing you can still access your course and use it like a hand book . I thoroughly recommend The Soul Academy . I am now doing my second course with them Chakra Healing .- Alix McGill

                Anne-Marie Mayers | Soul Awakening Academy

                People need this now!

                Why It’s Important To Heal Your Past

                More than ever people are so aware that until we heal our past we can not create our best future.

                The lasting and far-reaching effects it can have over our lives can see us experiencing a range of negative emotions such as unhealed trauma, negative childhood experiences, loss, separation, shame, abandonment & rejection that suppress us and severely limits us in achieving our true potential.

                This learned negative belief system that we build as a result of negative experiences, becomes deeply ingrained in our subconscious brain and not only affects how we interact with others but also negatively impacts how people react to us.

                An example of this would be if you had repeatedly been told that you were lazy as a young child. Despite being a hard-working adult, you keep overworking and trying to prove yourself to others in case they too think you are lazy. This can have a massive negative impact on your relationships with family and friends as they must take a back seat to your work. Your subconscious believes that you are still the child being told you are lazy, despite you now being a successful adult.

                My unique blend of healing combines my coaching skills, energy healing and spiritual alchemy. This precise system is a vеrу practical yet deeply profound way of idеntifуing аnd сlеаring iѕѕuеѕ or сhаllеngеѕ that come our wау.

                “A JOURNEY TO SELF DISCOVERY!”

                I found Soul Awakening Academy during a dark period of my life. What started as a journey to self discovery has now blossomed into a booming career as a Spiritual Life Coach. I can’t thank Anne-marie enough for all that she’s done, and is still doing!! She’s the 1st online tutor who I’ve found to have the best interest at heart when it comes to her students.  – Renuka

                What our Students are


                meditation course
                Marilyn M
                meditation training course
                Gail B
                meditation teacher diploma course
                Alix M

                Frequently Asked Questions

                What are the Prerequisites?

                Ideal for coaches, therapists and practitioners or have experience working with others. If you do not have any experience please take our Spiritual Life Coach Diploma.

                How can I use Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy?

                The possibilities are endless!

                Here are a few examples. Rest assured; there are many more:

                • You can host live or inperson workshops using the transformational workbooks that will create major lifechanging breakthroughs in your clients lives.
                • You can incorporate the teachings, methods, and modalities to amplify your work and bring next-level results to your clients.
                • You can take a private 1:1 client through the entire Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® journey weekly.
                • You can teach and coach your way through the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® journey as a group coaching facilitator.
                • You can coach couples through the entire 7-step methodolgy
                • We provide the entire Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® curriculum, workbooks, meditations & healing.
                How can I use the licensed materials?
                • As an active Soul Awakening Academy® Facilitator, you will be licensed to use all Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® proprietary assets, Awakened Heart-Healing, including Anne-Marie’s Chakra Alchemy system. You will also be able to co-brand. The Soul Awakening Academy® stays on all materials, and you can add your logo and branding. You can use the entire method as-is or extract the proven tools and practices and use them on demand for powerful, transformative moments with your clients.
                Is there a licensing fee?
                • Your enrollment in Spiritual Facilitator Program includes one full year of licensing from the date of certification. After that, your annual licensing investment will be £450.

                The cost of renewal after your first year is 450 GBP* – this includes your loyalty discount.

                What’s the ROI?
                • Conscious business owners & leaders make decisions based on ROI (return on investment), not cost. If you feel this training will positively impact your bottom line. Then this is undoubtedly a sound investment securing the long-term future growth of your business.
                What are the details of the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy?

                The Seven Steps to Spiritual Online, Self-Study Training.

                Do I need travel insurance?
                Yes, if you are travelling from abroad you will need to obtain your own insurance.
                Can I attend if I am on medication?
                Yes, but please inform us of any health issues in advance. We are not trained medical health professionals and you are therefore responsible for your own health.
                Can I use my workbooks on my family & friends?
                Yes, once trained as a Certified & Licensed Awakened Heart-Healer you may use these materials in your business. We encourage you to share your experience and insights with others and to recommend to others to attend an Awakened Heart-Healing retreat where they will benefit from the support of a professional, facilitated experience.
                Can I reproduce, amend, sell or adapt the workbooks?
                No, the workbooks must remain intact, and you will have a License Agreement in place that states how you are to use the workbooks, along with any resources provided by Soul Awakening Academy Ltd.
                How quickly can I get up & running?
                You can get up and running as quickly as you like.It depends on your plan, such as running retreats, offering VIP weekends, etc. Note that if you are starting from scratch, you should allow yourself six months in preparation time leading up to your first retreat. This gives you time to complete the training program, select venues and dates, and get your promotional activity in place.
                It can all happen quickly, but you need to stay focused and get started with your training! Once you have signed your agreement, you will gain access to many vitally essential resources that you’ll love.
                approved BY

                Enrol Now Hurry, Ends soon!