Become a Master Spiritual Life Coach & Energy Psychologist 

Become the Coach EVERYONE wants to work with and build a business you love Transforming lives.

spiritual coaching courses

Unlock your innate leadership gifts and…

Become the Transformational Healer the World Needs Now

In a world where the collective soul yearns for healing, your unique gifts as a spiritual facilitator are not just wanted—they’re essential. 

Have you ever felt the pull to do more, to be more, not just for yourself but for the collective good? 

Imagine the ripple effect you could create by guiding groups through their healing journeys, touching lives in a way that is both expansive and deeply personal.

You’re not just a coach, therapist, or healer; you’re a beacon of light with the potential to lead many towards transformation. 

At the Soul Awakening Academy, we offer you the keys to unlock this potential. Our comprehensive training is not just about acquiring skills; it’s about stepping into your role as a transformational leader in a world that needs you now more than ever.

Are you ready to answer the call?

If yes, it’s time to learn the framework and exact strategies you need to build a business that’s 100% aligned with your Soul so you step into your natural role as a sought-after spiritual coach.


Anne Marie is an amazing coach and teacher. Her Soul Awakening Academy is amazing. Anne Marie is spiritual, but also real, down to earth, friendly and a gorgeous soul.  I would urge you to work with her.”

JENNIFER, Holistic Life Coach


But First…

The Inner Work That Fuels Transformational Leadership in Healing.

Do you ever feel that your own unresolved issues or traumas hold you back from fully stepping into your role as a leader? 

You’re not alone.

In fact, 1 in 5 people report suffering from trauma. 

“Big” or “small” — we all have traumatic experiences that get stuck in our cell memories. Events, situations, or conversations that somehow trigger us back into a space of danger and discomfort. 

And we resort to our initial reactions over and over until we realise…This isn’t working for me anymore. Again, completely normal.

However, to truly guide others through their healing journey, it’s essential to first embark on your own.

You simply can’t pour from an empty cup. 

To be the beacon of change and healing that you aspire to be, you must first delve into your own emotional and spiritual depths. 

This isn’t just about adding another credential to your portfolio; it’s about undergoing a profound personal transformation that enables you to hold space for others in a way that is both deeply empathetic and highly effective.

Why does this matter, now?

As someone who has experienced trauma and someone who also believes in healing and transformation, you have keen awareness; You have a strong sense of self that is yearning to uncover and peel back the layers of your own onion, so you can support others in their journey.

This curiosity and willingness to share are the magic that creates the ripple effect and fuels the transformation for others.

The field of spiritual coaching and trauma-informed therapy is still emerging. Many practitioners lack the specialised training needed to address these deeply rooted issues effectively.

This gap in the market is not just an opportunity; it’s a responsibility for those who have the calling and the capability to serve, someone who has gone through the transformation and wants to lead others in doing the same.

Are you ready to take the lead?

spiritual healing

This course will profoundly change your life and the life of your clients!

spiritual coach training

Meet Your Guide: Anne-Marie

With a transformative journey that includes overcoming childhood adversity and establishing the Soul Awakening Academy, I am passionate about empowering others to become transformative facilitators using my proven methods.

Featured in the UK’s ‘Healthy’ magazine and recognised as a Master Coach, I’ve married positive psychology with spiritual healing, creating a holistic approach to facilitation and coaching. 

Through this Master Level Training, you’ll gain the complete toolset for transformative facilitation, helping your clients release their burdens, rewrite their stories, and embark on a soulful journey toward healing.

We believe in your capabilities so much that we’ve even covered the cost of your first year’s coaching accreditation with the IAPC&M. This sets you apart as one of the premier coaches in the industry!

On completion of the course, you will receive a certification from Soul Awakening Academy stating you have successfully completed an IPHM Accredited Training Course and in addition to this you may apply for your professional insurance through our partnered insurers Westminster Global and receive a complementary discount.


Imagine yourself a year from now..:

You’ve healed past pain and self-sabotage that was holding you back and now your’e living your true-potential, thriving a coach & healer.

Clients are banging down your door. Your reputation for changing lives precedes you, and you have a waitlist of clients ready to pay you your worth.

You’re thriving in your life & business. You’ve achieved financial freedom and career satisfaction, and you wake up feeling grateful, happy and inspired with life

 You’ve successfully scaled your business model, and your mind is open to endless possibilities and opportunities you never once thought possible.

    Start making progress today and experience the freedom of building a successful career. Take the next step in your spiritual journey and become an accredited spiritual life coach with Soul Awakening Academy.

    spiritual coaching courses

    Become a Professional Coach in 6-12 months

    From root causes to generational trauma, leading others on a healing journey can be extremely rewarding and create a changing impact.

    You’ll become an expert on Life Coaching, Inner-Child & Trauma Healing.

    This specialised Training Program goes beyond textbook knowledge, diving deep into the multidimensional facets of coaching, energy psychology and trauma healing. This training isn’t just about spotting stress or bad habits. It’s about understanding trauma on all levels—even the stuff passed down through generations or tangled up in relationships. You’ll learn how to get to the root of these issues, not just for yourself but for others too.

    You’ll establish nurturing and compassionate environments for individuals who are prepared to embark on their personal growth journey. 

    Gain access to 18 comprehensive and empowering training modules, masterclasses & programs that foster Trauma-Informed Skills, encompassing subjects like Transference, Cultivating Safe Spaces, Healing Childhood Trauma, Generational Healing, Spiritual Healing, Chakras, Alchemy, and a plethora of other enlightening topics.

    You’ll experience increased confidence and earnings.

    Healing retreats, workshops, and even couples’ therapy sessions can be an extremely fun and profitable way to add a revenue stream. And the best part? We’ve got all the content sorted for you! This isn’t just a course; it’s an investment in yourself that can create a huge return. As a certified facilitator, you’ll be at the heart of helping people turn their struggles into victories.

    Are you ready to help people make peace with their past, find their true calling, and really come into their own.

    Everything you Need to Become a Master Spiritual Coach & Energy Psychologist

    What You Will Learn: The Pillars of Master Level Spiritual Coaching, Energy Psychology, Trauma Coaching and Transformative Healing

    Are you ready to learn powerful energetic healing techniques that work to naturally release stored trauma from the body without having to relive traumatic events?

    Learn online from the comfort of your own home with Access to the Master Spiritual LIfe Coach & Energy Psychology Diploma PLUS access to Trauma-Infored Spiritual Facilitator Training you will go on self-study journey covering 18 in-depth Trauma-Informed  modules, masterclasses, and workbooks delivered by Master Coach & Healer Anne-Marie Mayers and Dr Tegan Brierley-Sollis. 

    Here’s a glimpse into the comprehensive curriculum designed to make you the transformational facilitator you’re destined to be:

    Deep Dive into Emotional Healing

    Learn the art and science of emotional healing, understanding how trauma is stored in the body and how to release it effectively.

    Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy®

    Master our signature program that combines ancient wisdom and modern psychology to create a holistic healing experience.

    Awakened Heart-Healing

    Discover how to facilitate heart-centered healing that taps into the emotional and spiritual dimensions, going beyond traditional methods.

    Chakra Workbooks & Meditations

    Gain access to our exclusive resources that will deepen your understanding of the chakra system and how it relates to emotional well-being.

    Business in a Box

    Get ready-to-use tools and resources that will help you launch or scale your healing practice, including marketing strategies and client management tips.

    Personalised Mentorship

    Receive one-on-one guidance from seasoned professionals in the field, ensuring that you’re supported every step of the way.

    Community Support

    Become part of a like-minded community of healers and leaders, providing a network of support and opportunities for collaboration.


    Earn an accredited certification that will not only add credibility to your practice but also open doors to new opportunities in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, Energy Psychology & Trauma-Informed Coaching & Spiritual Facilitation.

    Ongoing Learning

    Stay ahead of the curve with access to future course updates, webinars, and exclusive content designed to keep you at the forefront of this emerging field.

    Does this sound like the right fit?

    Success Every Step of the Way!

    spiritual and holistic coaching and courses

    Become a Trauma-Coach & Spiritual Facilitator

    spiritual coach

    For a limited time only

    Become the Coach EVERYONE wants to work with

    In the Master Training program, you’ll gain exclusive access to our newly introduced Trauma-Coach & Spiritual Facilitator Training

    This comprehensive training program is designed to provide you with a profound understanding of how to effectively address and heal various layers of trauma, including those that manifest across multiple dimensions, within relationships, and across generations.

    Through this training, you will not only learn how to uncover and address the root causes of stress, emotional imbalances, and negative behavioural patterns, but you will also develop the skills and knowledge necessary to assist others in their healing journey, guiding them towards finding resolution for their past experiences, discovering their life’s purpose, and awakening their authentic selves.

    With access to our Emotional Healing programs you will learn how to create transformational experiences that are embodied, experiential & interactive with the tools to lead & facilitate our done for you programs, the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy® & Awakened Heart-Healing.

    Our exclusive resources will ensure you create depth, potency & intimacy through your sacred work leading healing circles, workshops, group sessions, couples therapy & retreats effortlessly. 

    The Benefits:

    • Run emotional healing retreats workshops and groups
    • Get the deepest results possible with your clients
    • Get the root cause of any issue
    • Helps you create powerful messaging &  marketing
    • Enables you to make rapid growth

    You will learn...


    Equipping you with the best industry knowledge



    In this module we provide you with all the important information that will ensure this happens. You will start your Coach Accreditation right from the very beginning so that you reap all the benefits  IAPC&M Accreditation has to offer.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand your learning journey and final assessment
    • When and where to access the monthly coaching calls
    • Understand important policies that may impact you
    • Understand how to gain coaching accreditation with the IAPC&M once you have completed this course


    Become a Master in Life Coaching


    In this module, we delve deep into what is required in order to become a successful coach. You will begin to explore the skills and attributes required for success and it’s here that you will begin to understand some of the most effective coaching tools and techniques such as GROW, SMART and Wheel of Life.

    We discuss how to get the most from your client during sessions and what a healthy client/coach relationship looks like.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the role of a life coach and the skills and attributes required for success
    • Learn what a healthy client/coach relationship looks like
    • Understand the importance of active listening, questioning techniques and body language during sessions
    • Understand and demonstrate S.O.U.L Life Satisfaction Scale
    • Watch IAPC&M webinars


    How to hold a spiritual coaching session



    This module introduces you to the contract & consultation forms needed to hold a professional consultation. You will explore the foundations of holding a spiritual coaching session, the coaching process and how to establish a goal. 


    Learning Outcome


    • How to hold a spiritual consultation
    • Understand and demonstrate the coaching contract
    • How to hold a spiritual consultation
    • Be able to demonstrate questioning skills
    • Understand how to establish a goal
    • Understand how to move a client forward with questioning


    Equipping you with the best industry tools



    This module gets you up to speed on effective goal setting, safe practice and demonstrates the core competencies that the IAPC&M look for in a good and compliant coaching session.

    Plus, we’ll look deeper at the importance of the coaching relationship and what makes a good client/coach relationship.

    You will continue to increase your understanding of various coaching tools and techniques such as GROW, SMART and Wheel of Life.

    This module teaches you the most widely used coaching models in the industry, GROW, SMART & Wheel of Life. You will also learn how to set effective goals and effective questioning.


    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the importance of the coaching relationship
    • Learn what makes a good client/coach relationship
    • Understand the GROW, SMART & Wheel of Life coaching models
    • Understand effective questioning
    • How to use skilful questioning



    Learn how to coach using strengths & values


    This model will teach you about coaching a client to recognise & use their innate strengths & values.

    You’ll also gain an in depth understanding of: Values, Limiting Beliefs, Strengths, and the crucial role these play in coaching.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand your inner strengths.
    • Understand the importance of strengths-based coaching.
    • Learn what values are and their importance.


    N.L.P, Positive Psychology & Mindset



    This module explains the importance of human needs and how to honour them. It then outlines the principles of N.L.P, Positive Psychology & Mindset.


    Learning Outcome


    • Learn the NLP Map of the World Model.
    • Learn the NLP Five Principles for Success.
    • Understand how the brain operates in terms of the Conscious, Subconscious &        Unconscious mind.
    • Learn Positive Psychology & Mindset.
    • Understand the Robert Dilts Model of change.



    Discover your Human Needs and how you meet them 



    This module provides you with a deeper understanding of our human needs and how we meet them. We will explore the Anthony Robbins & Abraham Maslow models of Human Needs.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand Maslow’s Model of Human Needs.
    • Understand Tony Robbins Human Needs
    • Discover your own top needs and how you meet them.


    Access Meditation scripts for healing your clients


    This module enables you to download meditation scripts to use with your clients PLUS watch several live EFT videos & listen to 7 Chakra Meditations.

    earning Outcome


    • Understand how to perform a Chakra Meditation from Root to Crown.
    • Understand how EFT works in real time with a client.


    Learn to forgive, trust and self-heal



    This module will enhance your understanding of ‘The world as a mirror’, how to own the rejected self and how your personality is formed via the unconscious mind.

    Plus, you’ll learn about numerous exercises that can help a client learn to love themselves, forgive, trust & find the gift within adversity. Providing you with a deeper understanding of the tools you can use to help your client become spiritually empowered by learning to embody Gratitude, Forgiveness, Trust & Self-Love in their lives.

    Finally, you’ll understand how to use Voice Dialogue & a sub personality process with a client.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand why we are emotionally triggered                                   
    • Understand how to own our rejected selves                                                 
    • Understand how to embrace our rejected selves                                                  
    • Learn to trust                                                                                    
    • Learn to forgive                                                                                  
    • Understand how to turn adversity into a gift



    Seven beautifully illustrated workbooks to use with your clients for affirmation healing 


    This module provides you with a deeper understanding of how to use affirmations as healing for each of the chakras, which you can use with clients.

    Access to 7 beautifully illustrated Chakra Affirmation workbooks to use with your clients for healing.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand how to use affirmations for healing.
    • Discover the most appropriate healing affirmation for you.


    Facilitate groups, workshops, retreats and more


    This module will take you through the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy method and show you how to coach through the healing of each of the chakras. 


    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy method.
    • Understand the process of chakra coaching.
    • Learn how it feels to use the workbooks on yourself.
    • Understand how to use the workbooks on another person.



    Become a Chakra Master



    This gives you a deep understanding of the chakra system. You’ll gain an understanding of the function of each of the chakras within the body and their colours. You’ll also explore how to maintain chakra health. During this module you’ll learn the Soul Truth Technique and by the end will be able to use the chakra assessment.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the chakra system.
    • Understand the function of the chakras.
    • Understand the colours of the chakras.
    • Be able to use the chakra assessment.
    • Understand the Soul Truth technique and how to use it with clients.



    Unique Spiritual Coaching


    In this module we also delve into the meaning of energy and archetypes and you’ll learn the concept of the mirror effect and patterns of behaviour.

    This module introduces you to the exclusive Soul Awakening Method™, the aim of a Soul Awakening Coach™ and how this will add value to your client’s spiritual journey.

    You’ll also get to explore your own life story so far and understand how your own experiential learning can help you in becoming a better coach.

    Learning Outcome


    • Learn the Soul Awakening Method
    • Understand the aim of a Soul Awakening Coach
    • Learn how to add value to your client’s spiritual journey 
    • Understand Archetypes and their symbolic meaning and influence in our lives
    • Understand the works of Carl Jung & Caroline Myss in this context



    Rapid Transformational Healing Modality


    This module outlines the four pillars of wellbeing and dives into the S.E.T.T.® coaching model that you’ll follow when working with clients.

    The S.E.T.T.® Model can literally solve any problem and it’s here that you will be introduced to the S.E.T.T.® 4-step Coaching Method.

    You will get to see it and experience it in action to use it in your own life and rock your world! Then, hang on tight, as you’ll take what you’ve learned to the next level as you apply the S.E.T.T.® Model to situations you never dreamed were so simple to work through.

    You’ll learn how to make incredible transformations by using the S.E.T.T.® Model and 4-pillars of wellbeing. The module teaches you to perform a visualisation technique and a 4-pillars of wellbeing card reading as well as other skills such as intuitive listening and helping a client make an inner-personal commitment.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the meaning of the four pillars of wellbeing
    • How an imbalance in one of the pillars can affect your overall wellbeing
    • Understand the S.E.T.T. coaching model and how to apply this to coaching



    Heal the Inner-Child


    This module provides you with a deep understanding of the Inner Child and the Mother and Father archetypes, along with family Karma patterns. You will learn meditation techniques for healing each of the archetypes.

    This module outlines all the aspects of subpersonalities and how to work through a specific process with your client, to identify them and help them reintegrate their disowned selves.

    We begin by ensuring that you understand what a subpersonality is, how it is formed and the process needed to identify individual subpersonalities and the role that each plays. 

    You’ll gain an understanding of the meaning and effects of a subpersonality in our lives, before discovering how to take a client through a subpersonality process and how to work with them to manage their disowned selves.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand what is meant by Inner Child.
    • Understand what is meant by the Adult Self.
    • Understand how to heal family Karma patterns and the Inner Child.
    • Learn meditation techniques on how to heal certain archetypes.


    Rewrite your Past & Create your Best Future


    This module focuses on psychological theory and concepts from various professionals in the field of inner scripts and self-enquiry. It outlines the importance of our early years experiences and how they can influence us.

    You’ll gain an understanding of the work of Barbara Muhl & Inner Scripts as well as the work of Byron Katie & self-inquiry.

    You’ll then discover how to use meditation techniques to heal certain archetypes.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand the work of Barbara Muhl & Inner Scripts.
    • Understand the work of Byron Katie & self-inquiry.
    • Understand how our early experiences influence us.



    Understand the Mind 


    In this module we look at the importance of human needs and how to honour them.

    We explore Maslow’s Model of Human Needs and discover your own top needs and how you meet them. We also delve into the principles of N.L.P and how it affects our realities.

    Plus, you’ll learn about transference, projection, transactional analysis and ego states.



    Heal the Past 


    This module provides you with a deeper understanding of Voice Dialogue by Dr Hal & Sidra Stone. You will learn all the aspects of subpersonalities and how to work through a specific process with your client to identify them and help them reintegrate their disowned selves.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand what a subpersonality is and how it is formed.
    • Understand the meaning of subpersonality in our lives.
    • Understand how to take a client through a subpersonality process.
    • Learn how to work with your client to manage their disowned selves.
    • Learn how to work with your client to manage their disowned selves.


    Advanced Coaching Skills & Tools


    This module teaches you how to work with a client’s inner critic and reframe limiting beliefs.

    You’ll also gain an in depth understanding of: Limiting Beliefs & Inner Critic and the crucial role these play in coaching.

    Learning Outcome


    • Understand limiting beliefs
    • Understand the inner critic
    • be able to demonstrate your understanding of both


    Meditation & Emotional Freedom Technique


    This module provides you with a deeper understanding of energy psychology and the benefits of meditation and E.F.T. in your client’s journey.

    It focuses on the relationship between the mind & body and our mental functions involving thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviour.

    You will learn the interrelationship of energy systems, emotion, behaviour, psychopathology, and health. These systems include the electrical activity of the nervous system, acupuncture meridians, chakras and biofields.

    You will then move on to look at Meditation where you will be provided with meditation scripts to use with clients. You’ll understand the aura and learn to perform meditations and E.F.T on both  yourself  and your clients.


    Advanced Coaching Skills & Tools


    Get access to 40+  ready-made coaching tools PLUS four brandable Leadmagents.

    Get access to my ready-made coaching programs to facilitate deep healing.

    Get access to consultation form, life assessments and more.

    You can help your life coaching clients feel UNSTOPPABLE by overcoming fear of change, rejection and confidence issues.


    Meet Your Teachers

    Anne-Marie Mayers

    Master Coach, Author & Energy Healer. Creator of The Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy & Awakened Heart-Healing.


    Author of Amazon’s best Seller Alchemy for the Soul. Combines her most powerful teaching into one condensed training package. Blending together N.L.P. Positive Psychology, Spiritual Counselling, Trauma-Informed Coaching, Chakras & Inner-Child Healing. 

    Anne-Marie weaves together her two true passions in life, which are coaching and spirituality, to produce a truly exceptional and innovative coaching experience.

    Anne-Marie is trained in Positive Psychology, NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT & Acupuncture whilst also widely trained in healing using various methods.
    Become a Master Level, Soul Awakening Coach and train in one of the world’s most transformative spiritual therapies and master a framework that grows your business exponentially.

    Dr Tegan Brierley-Sollis

    Lecturer in Policing, Criminology and Trauma-informed Approaches at Glyndwr University


    Dr Tegan takes you through four powerful trauma-awareness lectures so you understand what trauma is, how it shows up in your clients, how it affects the brain, body and emotions and how to coach your clients from a trauma aware lens.


    "One of the Best Decisions I've ever made!"


    “Anne Marie is an amazing coach and teacher. Undertaking her Master Spiritual Life Coach course was one of the best decisions I have made. Her Soul Awakening Academy is amazing. Anne Marie is spiritual, but also real, down to earth, friendly and a gorgeous soul. I  look forward to working with her in the future. I would urge you to work with Anne Marie.”

    Jennifer, Holistic Life-Coach

    "Takes Coaching to the next Level!"


    “This takes coaching to the next level. Now I have the tools to identify what needs working on, I can see myself incorporating this with my coaching practice as I think they both work nicely together. I like the connection between coaching & energy healing. Loved the last exercise we did with the cards – the Soul Transformation Technique & E.F.T .”

    Jade – Holistic Life-Coach

    "I've learned so much!"


    “I highly recommend Anne- Marie’s Soul Awakening Academy. I have learnt so much and I have been able to really figure out my passion and understand where I want to take my healing and coaching business. Anne-Marie is one of the most humble, kind and knowledgeable teachers I have ever come across and I’m excited to continue to learn more from her.”

    Saffron – Company OwnerReiki Bliss


    Master Coach, Energy Psychology + Trauma & Spiritual Facilitator Training.

    Total Value Worth 13K

    IPHM Accredited Courses

    We recommend Westminster Global, who are specialists in providing insurance for distance and online courses. You’ll also receive a discount for being one of our students if you follow this link!

    master coach & Trauma Package (WORTH 13K)




    How many hours do I need to commit?

    The beauty of studying with The Soul Awakening Academy®, is that the course you choose can be done entirely in your own time and to fit within your schedule. Obviously, the more time you are able to commit to the programme, the quicker you will be able to get your business off the ground, but everyone has different schedules. You get 2 years to complete the course, you may request an extension as we understand life can sometimes through us curve balls. On average students take approximately 6 – 9 months to complete their certification.

    What is the assessment process?

    If you want to become a certified coach and receive a certification for your coaching then, YES, you will need to:

    • Have logged 60hrs of practical coaching
    • Submitted three coaching sessions at various stages using specific techniques taught in the course
    • Completed reflective assignments
    • Submit a final coaching video assessment

     It isn’t something to worry about, as you will have lots of support throughout the programme to help you feel confident with the process. You also get the opportunity to connect with other students in need of a practice buddy.

    What if I fall behind?

    Whilst a big part of the programme is to keep you accountable and minimise procrastination, we totally understand that life sometimes gets in the way. You get lifetime access to all of the materials, meaning you can work though everything at your own individual pace. There is no deadline for completion of your assessment and you have 2 years from the start of your journey to complete the course. Should you need an extension for personal reasons we can accommodate this for you.

    How soon can I work with paid for clients?

    We believe the best way to build your confidence as a coach is to COACH, so we want to get you working with paying clients as soon as possible. As you are training to coach and still developing your skills, you may decide to offer smaller/one-off sessions to your audience. This is something we can help you put together. Many of our students feel confident to offer this in as little as one month into their coach training.  But, it’s entirely up to you and what you feel ready for! We will promote you through our social media channels, website and dedicated coach directory.

    Will I get to practice my coaching?

    YES! One of the most important parts of your coaching journey is practising your coaching skills! We partner you up with our other students so that you not only get to practice your coaching sessions, but also get to be a practice client for someone else.

    Can I join The Soul Awakening Academy® if I'm not based in the UK?

    YES! Whilst Anne-Marie is based in the UK, we are an international company and our coach certification is internationally recognised! Our clients and students join us from all over the world.

    Will I receive a certificate to certify me as a coach?

    YES! When you have completed your assessment you will receive a certificate to certify you as a Certified Master Spiritual Life Coach & Energy Psychologist with The Soul Awakening Academy®

    Is the course accredited?

    YES! The Spiritual Life Coach & Energy Psychology Course has recently been through a vigorous certification upgrade to reach its Level 7 accreditation status. Accredited by the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring; the only coaching authority recognised by the Financial Ombudsman. When you have completed your assessment, you will receive a certificate to certify you as a Coach from the Soul Awakening Academy®  You may then apply for your personal coaching accreditation with the IAPC&M. We support you through this application and help you be 100% prepared.

    Do I need to have worked with my own coach first? What if I need to do work on my own mindset?

    The amazing thing about The Soul Awakening Academy® is that as you learn how to coach others, you will also be working through your own fears/doubts/limiting beliefs and receive a tonne of mindset support for YOU along the way. You will also have the opportunity to be coached by one of the other members of The Soul Awakening Academy® so you have the experience of working with a coach as well as becoming one. Plus, there’s a supportive Facebook community where you can seek support at any time.

    Is there live coaching and support? What if I need 1:1 help?

    YES! You will get access to monthly live coaching/training sessions taken via Zoom. These sessions are for coach training/coaching demonstrations and Q & As. There is plenty of opportunity for you to get personal support via the live coaching calls and the Facebook group.

    What time/days are the live calls?

    As we are an international company, we change the day/time of the call each month to make sure everyone has a fair chance of tuning into the sessions. We are also happy for you to submit a requested time/day and take all requests into consideration. All of the calls are recorded too, so you can listen back to them in your own time.

    When can I start?

    As soon as you sign up! Once payment has been made you will receive your welcome materials and week one content, plus access to the Facebook group and details for the live coaching sessions.

    How long is the course?

    The Spiritual Life Coaching & Energy Psychology Course is our most extensive course and is 300 hours, which will take you approximately 6 – 12 months to complete.

    Do you have a refund policy?

    Whilst we are SURE you will LOVE The Soul Awakening Academy®, if you join and feel it is not the right fit for you, then simply let us know within 14 days of joining and we will gladly refund you the full amount, provided you have not yet started the course modules. If you have started the modules then we will refund you part of the full amount.

    Still not sure?

    You can book a free call with Anne-Marie to find out if this life-changing course is right for you.