Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ – Practitioner Training


LIVE TRAINING DATES – NOVEMBER 19TH & 20TH (online Zoom/10am – 4pm)

Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ as a Therapy

Unique self-healing or accredited practitioner training.

Quantum Holographic Echo Healing, is the result of years of researching and working with energy. Quantum healing can be used in-conjunction with your current therapies or as a powerful stand alone treatment.

This unique therapy takes you on a guided journey through energy healing, clearing, releasing and energy balancing. As a treatment therapy you are taken through various stages of healing and self-discovery, this helps to release toxic mental energy and core beliefs that can limit our way of life. By using the spiritual dowsing technique & quantum energy scan workbook you will learn how to use a pendulum for answers lying deep in the subconscious mind and clear your clients’ energy field of negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

We are now on the frontier of a new wave of Quantum Energy Healing. Your body has all the data it needs to heal, by accessing the subconscious mind and cellular memory and changing your perception the healing takes place in the mind & body at a cellular level. When a past trauma or event takes place we quite literally store this information in our cells and major organs, if it is not resolved dis-ease can take place and we can become fragmented and feel soul loss. Consciously we are not always aware of how our past or beliefs have an impact on our everyday lives, it will constantly playback to you in your reality, just as a computer stores information so does the body, you could say that the body is a biological computer. Each event will be stored and play out in the background, constantly bringing you life events that reflect what your subconscious is storing.

What you will learn:

How Quantum Energy Healing works

How to use the pendulum

The Aura

Subtle Energy Systems

Subtle Energy Bodies

How to perform a Quantum Healing session

How to use a pendulum to find the root cause

How to perform a spiritual clearing treatment

How to use the QHEH workbook/manual

How to use Tarot

How to give a Tarot reading

How to perform energy healing

Understand how Chakras work


Benefits of this course

Rapidly restore the chakras resulting in healing and a greater sense of well being.

Detect and heal disturbances in the aura, chakras and energy filed promoting energetic health and wellness.

More efficiently do your healing work, saving you time, and potentially getting you deeper and longer-lasting results.

Clearing sabotaging, subconscious blocks allowing you to reach your full potential.


What is QHEH?
Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ (QHEH) is an intuitive energy balancing therapy, it takes the client on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. A specialised healing method which clears deeply held emotional issues and unhelpful beliefs from the cellular memory of the body. Examples of these states are anxiety, fear, insecurity, sense of abandonment and rejection, feeling unloved and feeling unworthy, feeling as if you don’t belong, feeling not good enough. These emotions and perceptions are expressed in the cells of our body and can remain stored there, playing continuously in a loop, keeping us locked in a disempowered state and preventing us from living the life that we desire.

What does QHEH therapy do?
Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ helps remove the blocked energy and helps restore a more positive balanced state of being, this has an amazing effect on the mind and body, it helps facilitate positive change, allowing the client to become more empowered and in control of their own destiny. By realising we all store negative programming we can also help heal negative imprints and limiting thoughts patterns. When we have a more positive outlook we are in the flow of life, instead of the observer we become the architect of our life.

Research in cellular biology has now proven that whenever we feel an intense emotion which we then repress or shut down because we cannot cope with it, specific chemical changes occur in our cells and the memory remains stored there. Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ is able to access this information in your cells and the unwanted negative memories are removed. Space is then filled with higher frequency energies of positive empowering emotions and beliefs.

What happens during a session?
During a Quantum Holographic Echo Healing™ session you do not relive the painful memories, they are merely removed and replaced with positive ways of being. You feel surrounded by the energy of peace and safety during the session and so can easily allow the clearing to happen. You may feel a physical release as if a great weight has been lifted from you and a sense of peace and lightness as the cellular memory is released. You will also feel more energetic and have increased confidence thereby feeling able to tackle more tasks and feel able to live life in a fuller way. You may also have clearer insights and know what you should do next to make any necessary changes in your life.

How many sessions are needed?
That depends on the level of healing required, some people only need one session while others may need more, your therapist will advise you.

What are the benefits of QHEH?

  • Relief from negative emotions and past trauma
  • Transforms cellular memory from negative to positive
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence
  • Freedom from anxiety and doubt
  • Restores a positive outlook and attitude towards life
  • Increases energy and enhances feelings of wellbeing
  • Returns body to balance, peacefulness and harmony
  • Mental alertness and clarity
  • Improved concentration and memory
  • The ability to make decisions more easily
  • The ability to stay calm and manage difficult situations more effectively
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased clarity and directions concerning life changes
  • Heightened creativity, perception and intuition

Accredited by the IPHM meaning upon on completion of the course you can gain a certification & insurance to practice.


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