The Heart Chakra is the halfway point between all things material (governed by the lower 3 Chakras) and all things spiritual (governed by the upper 3 Chakras). Although it’s sometimes found buried deep beneath the sorrows of our own personal pain and traumas, this beautiful Chakra will always have the potential be a place of an abundance of love, acceptance and compassion for others and yourself.
What is it that damages the Heart Chakra? Causes can include anything from broken, traumatic and abusive relationships and even spending too much time alone – not because you want to be alone, but perhaps because you must, especially if friends can’t be there for you. All can cause your Heart Centre to dim and bring you heartbreak.
Spiritually, a blocked Heart Chakra can cause feelings of disconnection, a lack of empathy, or even an inability to trust both yourself and others. It brings feelings of insecurity that can even turn into manipulative behaviour if not addressed.
To check for a cause of imbalance you could ask yourself: “Am I feeling loved and cared for? Have I been generous, and open with my love to others and myself? Have I been holding my love back from someone who is special to me?” What comes up for you when you ask these questions?
Learning to open and heal your Heart Chakra can feel daunting, especially if you have years of conditioning and limiting beliefs in place such as fear, pain, suffering, judgments and comparisons. We’ve all faced traumas, dramas, accidents, illnesses, heartaches, heartbreaks and everything in between and as a result we can end up feeling discouraged and scared of taking back the reins of our own personal power and freedom.
But there are many ways to heal the Heart Chakra and some easy ones include:
- Keeping a piece of rose quartz next to your heart (in your bra is a great way to do this!)
- Try and carry out acts of kindness where you can. It can be as simple as making a colleague a cup of coffee or spending time with someone who needs a chat.
- Meditation is a great healer for the Heart Chakra. Try making some time each day to focus on the place in our chest where you can feel your heart beating, allowing your mind to rest there. Imagine a bright white light entering and filling the Heart Chakra with love, bringing healing with it and allowing it to flow outwards from the Heart Chakra, throughout your physical body, out to your Aural body and from there expanding outwards around the Earth and out to source, spreading love as it goes.
Would you like to learn more about the Chakras?
For a limited time only, the doors are open on the Autumn Enrolment for our amazing Master The Master Spiritual Life Coach Diploma where you will gain a deep and in depth understanding of the Chakras, how they function and how to maintain Chakra health. Find out more here.
If you would like our FREE 4 Part Training on what it takes to become a Spiritual Life Coach, you can sign up here.