Everything You Need to Know about Chakras

Everything you need to know about chakras

You’ve probably heard the word Chakras… maybe at a yoga class… and whilst you might be familiar with some of the concepts, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity […]

How to Reduce Stress

how to reduce stress

I can’t say I love EVERYthing about my job, and if I’m being honest, there are some days I wish that all the hard work, late nights, and sacrifices that […]

The Seat of Your Soul – The Heart Chakra

In this blog, we’re going to take a look at the ‘Seat of our Soul’, the Heart Chakra.  Knows by its Sanskrit name of Anahata, meaning ‘Unstruck’ or ‘Unbeaten, the […]

Heal Your Sacral Chakra

If you’ve been reading our Blogs this month, you’ll know all about the Sacral Chakra! The Sacral Chakra is the second of the seven chakras and is the centre of […]

Healing the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is an emotional powerhouse of energy that can be quickly blocked when we experience fear of any kind.  This Chakra is represented by water, and is all […]

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Chakras

Did you know … There are 7 main Chakras located in our bodies which transmit and receive energy. Each of these chakras (or energy centres) correlate to specific parts of […]