You are busy helping others, and sometimes forget to celebrate the value you are providing to your clients. Today, stop what you are doing for 5 minutes, sit back and relax. Let’s discuss things that you are doing, which have made you such a remarkable life coach. In fact, one of the best around. Let’s start with the words you hear often; ‘you are a good listener,’ and ‘your advice is spot-on’.
Now, spiritual entrepreneur, here are some of the things you are doing right. Whether you are new to coaching or are looking to learn more about spirituality to enhance your career, you will need to embrace these special gifts that make you one of a kind.
1. You Give your Full Attention to Your Coaching Clients
When a client talks you actually listen, right?
You are not busy crafting the most killer reply, right?
As a spiritual entrepreneur, your conversations are the most crucial aspect of your interaction with clients. It gives you a chance to discover what is on their mind and what they need help with. Of course, you do this, by asking open-ended questions that make them talk, talk, and talk. If you’re a little distracted by the beautiful banquette of roses nearby, or drift for a moment, you have lost them.
Listening is – and will be – the most difficult skill to master entirely. With time, however, your skills become sharpened. There will be a time in your spiritual life coaching career when you will sense what they are struggling with just by looking at their body language. Even so, you will need to stimulate conversations and let them talk.
Keep up the good work; you are indeed a good listener.
2. You Love Helping People
Out of love for others comes the desire to help them. You displayed this love the moment you took the first step in the challenging journey of becoming a spiritual entrepreneur. No doubt that you helped others find solutions to their problems by knowing your own soul.
Patiently, you have shown them, that they ‘can’ and the biggest impediment to their success is themselves. Your ability to remain non-judgmental needs recognition, and praise.
Always show your love for humanity, offer genuine help, and blessings will follow. Sadly, if you don’t love those you aid, you should quit; you need to have compassion for yourself and others to create meaningful transformations within.
Your passion for helping others will drive you forward.
3. You Have Confidence
You can show confidence or have confidence in your abilities. Most people will pretend to be confident, but they lack self-confidence. As an exceptional spiritual life coach, you are not going to ooze self-assurance all the time. However, in those trying times, where the only way is forward, you shine through fear.
This is why you make such an exceptional spiritual entrepreneur.
4. You Pursue Self-Development
You have heard it before; the more a person has, the more they can give. Therefore, it is crucial to acquire additional knowledge, techniques, and viewpoints and keep up with the trends. If you are looking to enhance your existing life coaching practice, you can check out our advanced accredited holistic life coach qualifications.
Training and personal development not only gives you an edge over the competition; it ensures that you can provide more value for your clients.
It is accurate to say good teachers were first excellent students.
5. You are Focused and Consistent In Your Coaching

Many of your clients will be looking for a structure and guidance when they turn to you for support. You have come a long way, and the future is optimistic. You have realistic goals and pursue them. Well, you know this stuff, right?
You need focus and direction to know how to help your coaching clients.
No? That is where we can help. Our training programmes are flexible and comprehensive, covering all skills and techniques transpersonal coaches and life coaches need to know for long-term success. Check out the different ways you can work with me.