How to use E.F.T to balance emotions

What is EFT EFT, or the “emotional freedom technique” is an effective, research-based tool designed to help clients get better themselves. Largely based on the work of ancient Chinese acupuncturists, […]

How do you become a spiritual life coach?

When you think of the word ‘coach’ it’s quite a powerful term which can be used so broadly and can encompass many different styles. The beauty of coaching is that […]

I want to be a spiritual life coach, why should accreditation matter?

It is absolutely possible for anyone to be a spiritual life coach, and there are no legal requirements, but for the benefit of you and your career we believe there are significant advantages to seeking out a training course that is fully accredited. We examine why accreditation matters when it boils down to finding a suitable training qualification and how that fits in with the Soul Awakening Academy.

Do coaches need to have a niche?

At the Soul Awakening Academy, we wholeheartedly feel in every fibre of our being that every human should have an opportunity to find their true purpose, to awaken their soul […]

Everything You Need to Know about Chakras

Everything you need to know about chakras

You’ve probably heard the word Chakras… maybe at a yoga class… and whilst you might be familiar with some of the concepts, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity […]

SMART Coaching & Wheel Of Life Model

Everything you need to know about chakras

  You’ve probably heard the word Chakras… maybe at a yoga class… and whilst you might be familiar with some of the concepts, I thought this would be the perfect […]