I want to be a spiritual life coach, why should accreditation matter?

Written by Anne M
January 4, 2024

It is absolutely possible for anyone to be a spiritual life coach, and there are no legal requirements, but for the benefit of you and your career we believe there are significant advantages to seeking out a training course that is fully accredited. We examine why accreditation matters when it boils down to finding a suitable training qualification and how that fits in with the Soul Awakening Academy.


So, you’ve umm-ed and ahh-ed and deliberated many times and finally settled on the course of action which could change your life – you want to train as a spiritual life coach. Where do you start and how do you find somewhere credible to train? What should you be looking out for, bearing in mind that coaching itself isn’t a regulated way to earn a living?


When searching for who the course is accredited by, look out for a recognised body which you can research and know exists. Take time to familiarise yourself with who they are and their standards. We are proud to say that our flagship coaching programme, the Soul Awakening Master Practitioner Diploma, is fully accredited by the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M). This is the only accreditation body that has been approved by the British industry Ombudsman (IRCM).


The IAPC&M are masters of accreditation have been since 1998, providing accreditation to training providers, universities and individuals it deems to be of excellent standard. Once you complete the course, you are both welcome and eligible to apply for professional accreditation status.


A competent coach will have the foresight to want to protect their integrity as a practising spiritual life coach and to safeguard themselves and their clients. There is more and more need to regulate the profession. Yes, anyone who is unqualified and unaccredited can have a go, but at what cost? Will the client benefit and will the sessions have as much as a life-changing impact? Will your methods be called into questions? By training with an accredited organisation, you are expertly introduced to the very best principles and methods to practice your craft. Someone’s life could literally be in your hands, why would you knowingly wish to jeopardise that. If you asked your client what they would prefer, you can bet that most, if not, all would see accreditation as a kitemark of knowledge, skills and experience. They would not want to be driven in an Uber if the driver hadn’t passed their test, so why should their spiritual life coaching experience be any different? By displaying accreditation, you are promoting excellence and your willingness to conduct yourself at the pinnacle of propriety.


Okay, so that has been ticked off. You may be looking at how supervision and mentoring fits in and how much you can gain access to. At the Soul Awakening Academy, while we agree that this doesn’t relate to accreditation, this can often go hand-in-hand as supervision and mentoring are two hugely vital seeds to be planted and vigorously watered when it comes down to seeing a coach-in-the-making flourish, develop, learn, observe and define their skillset, knowledge and experience. It’s crucial to provide that open, safe, supportive, non-judgemental and confidential space where individuals can reflect on their practice, gaining feedback pinpointing areas of strength and areas for improvement.


If you’re interested in training with the Soul Awakening Academy, watch this video in the link below to give you more of an understanding:




You can book in with me via the link below to have a ‘virtual coffee’ where we can have a chat and discussion about if the course is the best fit for you:



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