Can you really make a living as a spiritual life coach?
You might well have seriously contemplated carving out a career as a spiritual life coach but are wondering, ‘Okay, but can I honestly sustain my lifestyle doing it? Can I keep paying my rent or mortgage, always have food on my table, and live a full life?’ The answer is a resounding yes. It is […]
Do coaches need to have a niche?
At the Soul Awakening Academy, we wholeheartedly feel in every fibre of our being that every human should have an opportunity to find their true purpose, to awaken their soul and, as far as we’re concerned, the more people that can benefit, the better this world will become. So, with that in mind, should we […]
Training as a coach with the Soul Awakening Academy.
Training with us will never be so rewarding, encouraging, motivating and challenging. You may find that you will push through your own imposed limitations and embark on a journey of true self-discovery and reflection. Our training methods are open, safe, comfortable, practical, engaging and interactive. What goes on in the training sessions will give you […]
Twelve top skills you’ll need to be the best spiritual coach you can be
So, you’re a qualified spiritual coach chomping at the bit to help and support people make magical changes and empowered decisions that will positively alter their life. How do you ensure you’re armed with the right tools and techniques to be the best? In order to be a success, there’s twelve key things you can […]
Clashing with yourself. Dealing with sub-personalities.
Do you often find that you are at odds with yourself, torn over decisions and never quite knowing if you’re being true to who you are? We all possess sub-personalities but we don’t always know how to handle them or what on earth is happening within that’s causing such uproar. Think of any given scenario […]
What is the Wheel of Life?
Quite simply, it’s a highly effective and powerful tool that helps you see all the important areas of your life at the same time, and visualise how you want them to be. It’s a great way to see it all laid out and you can examine which areas of your life are flourishing and which […]
Are you constantly overreacting? This could be why.
Learning to change our core beliefs can be hard. Read this to understand why you keep repeating the same patterns. How to break those patterns and start today!
Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?
So, this was a post I recently put on Facebook and it got a lot of interesting comments and feedback about peoples’ versions of healing, or even if it’s possible to heal from emotional wounds of the past. So, what does it mean to heal? Well if we think about it in the physical sense […]
How to bring about lasting spiritual transformation in your clients
How to bring about lasting spiritual transformation in your clients Transformation is the final element of the Soul Awakening coaching method, which we call the SET model. This phase occurs when we help our client to visualise the best version of themselves, make an inner-personal commitment and then step into this higher self. It’s all […]
Remove Your Energy Blocks with SET
Energy management and the four pillars of well-being Understanding energy and how it affects our overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition is a key part of the Soul Awakening Coaching method. In our last blog, we talked about what it takes to become a spiritual life coach with the Soul Awakening Academy and how […]