Jupiter conjuct Neptune – A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

Written by Anne M
April 13, 2022
This once in a lifetime opportunity is upon us today can you feel it?

I wanted to share with you the boost of energy we are seeing today as Jupiter joins Neptune in Pisces. This expansive energy comes as we enter eclipse season suggesting changes and new landscapes emerging.
This is a powerful day astrologically to start to deeply connect inside yourself and process how much change has occurred in our lives and how to move forward in a way that really lights us up.
Some thoughts to reflect upon to harness this Jupiter and Neptune magic:


  • What is calling for purification or change?
  • What motivates you to create?
  • What downloads are coming through your dreams and meditations?
  • How can you be of service & spiritually generous?
  • What do you truly love about the work you do?
  • What new calling is awakening in your soul?
You might have insights about yourself and your place in the world that could be life changing. Try to find time to reflect, contemplate & meditate if you can today, as Jupiter will expand your ability to connect with it and Neptune can allow you to find a way to share it. This conjunction may just help you turn more of those dreams deep inside you into reality.
If you really want to look deeper into your soul purpose and look within yourself why not book a 1:1 session with me?

My Soul Guidance Sessions offer life-changing, transformational spiritual guidance & mentoring that has proven effective for anyone looking to live a more purposeful, fulfilling, and rewarding life.

Catch me live tomorrow at 10am over in my private Facebook Group, Successful, Sassy & Spiritulaprenuers where I would love to hear what is coming up for you during this powerful time.

As a bonus, if you head over to the Facebook group now and share your business blocks and challenges, then during the live tomorrow I will personally look at your business archetypes, how you can face your shadows and overcome these blocks and challenges.

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