The Invisible Scripts of Trauma In Adult Relationships

Have you ever wondered why the same relationship dynamics keep playing out like you're following an invisible script?  Our past traumatic experiences, often interwoven and complex, influence the way we interact with the world. Understanding how these play out in our...

What issues can a spiritual life coach help with?

Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?   My recent Facebook post, Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?  Got a lot of interesting comments and feedback about peoples’ versions of healing, or even if it's possible to heal from emotional...

How to use E.F.T to balance emotions

What is EFT EFT, or the “emotional freedom technique” is an effective, research-based tool designed to help clients get better themselves. Largely based on the work of ancient Chinese acupuncturists, discovered well over 5,000 years ago, EFT supports the claims of...
Find Your Purpose with the Soul Awakening Academy

Find Your Purpose with the Soul Awakening Academy

How the Soul Awakening Academy Can Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening and Help You With Your Coaching Skills Here at the Soul Awakening Academy,  we embrace those who want to lead a more fulfilling life and discover their true potential.  We embrace those that want...

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5 Things You’re Doing That Make You a Great Life Coach

5 Things You’re Doing That Make You a Great Life Coach

You are busy helping others, and sometimes forget to celebrate the value you are providing to your clients. Today, stop what you are doing for 5 minutes, sit back and relax. Let’s discuss things that you are doing, which have made you such a remarkable life coach. In...

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Choosing the Right Coaching Niche 

Choosing the Right Coaching Niche 

Coaching is a rewarding career just like other careers. That having been said, as a practitioner you must choose the best coaching niche well. This is because just like other careers, there are some employers who will pay more than another other, and this is based on...

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Thought being spiritual was easy! Time to think again!

Thought being spiritual was easy! Time to think again!

Spirituality is big business in modern culture, wherever you go you come across new ways to enrich your life, with new methods of healing and transforming your existence popping up on almost a daily basis, and as we moved into the New Age movement or the Age of...

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Dealing With Your Shadow Archetype

Hey Beautiful Soul, You may have seen my recent post on Facebook about my inner-child mediation and the profound insights I received during this sacred ceremony. It occurred to me that no matter how hard we try at 'fixing' ourselves on a cognitive level we can still...

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become a spiritual coach


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Let’s re-imagine what’s possible and transform your life from the inside – out.

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