The Invisible Scripts of Trauma In Adult Relationships

Have you ever wondered why the same relationship dynamics keep playing out like you're following an invisible script?  Our past traumatic experiences, often interwoven and complex, influence the way we interact with the world. Understanding how these play out in our...

What issues can a spiritual life coach help with?

Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?   My recent Facebook post, Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?  Got a lot of interesting comments and feedback about peoples’ versions of healing, or even if it's possible to heal from emotional...

How to use E.F.T to balance emotions

What is EFT EFT, or the “emotional freedom technique” is an effective, research-based tool designed to help clients get better themselves. Largely based on the work of ancient Chinese acupuncturists, discovered well over 5,000 years ago, EFT supports the claims of...
April – Learn

April – Learn

Working with the pendulum introductionSoul Truth Technique - Part 1TELL US WHAT YOU THOUGHT OVER AT THE COMMUNITY HUBBSoul-centred community to support you in living a soul-full life.

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Clashing with yourself. Dealing with sub-personalities.

Do you often find that you are at odds with yourself, torn over decisions and never quite knowing if you’re being true to who you are? We all possess sub-personalities but we don’t always know how to handle them or what on earth is happening within that’s causing such...

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What is the Wheel of Life?

What is the Wheel of Life?

Quite simply, it’s a highly effective and powerful tool that helps you see all the important areas of your life at the same time, and visualise how you want them to be. It’s a great way to see it all laid out and you can examine which areas of your life are...

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Are you constantly overreacting? This could be why.

Are you constantly overreacting? This could be why.

Do you feel you are always on the backfoot, overreacting & regretting it later? Here is what might be happening & why. Your brain & body are having an automatic emotional response? So why does this happen? What is it that attracts the people and events...

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Can we ever really heal from our emotional wounds?

So, this was a post I recently put on Facebook and it got a lot of interesting comments and feedback about peoples’ versions of healing, or even if it's possible to heal from emotional wounds of the past.   So, what does it mean to heal? Well if we think about it...

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Remove Your Energy Blocks with SET

Remove Your Energy Blocks with SET

 Energy management and the four pillars of well-being   Understanding energy and how it affects our overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition is a key part of the Soul Awakening Coaching method.   In our last blog, we talked about what it takes...

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How to Make Sure your Clients are Coaching Ready

How to Make Sure your Clients are Coaching Ready

Most professional coaches offer a short complimentary coaching session to potential clients. It is a way to help people understand what coaching is and how you can help them. It is a great way to get people to connect with you and build rapport from the get go. A...

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Chakra Coaching: Understanding the Fourth Chakra – Love

Chakra Coaching: Understanding the Fourth Chakra – Love

Soul Mate, Compassion, Unconditional Love Love is one of the most natural yet profound feelings we can experience in life, whether it’s familial love, romantic love, culinary love, the love of a pet, we all experience love in our lives continually and without...

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Chakra coaching: Understanding the Third Chakra – Fire

Chakra coaching: Understanding the Third Chakra – Fire

Confidence, Power, Self-belief Fire, flames, heat, brilliant light - the fire aspect is so important when it comes to managing our ability to handle ourselves in difficult situations.  Phrases like ‘feeling frazzled’ and ‘hot tempered’ are part of our everyday...

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Chakra Coaching: Understanding the First Chakra – Root

Chakra Coaching: Understanding the First Chakra – Root

Nothing is more important to us than our roots, the power of The Earth flows through us and keeps us grounded as we maintain our stability in the physical world. We need these feelings of security and wholeness to function, when we feel ‘un-grounded’ it can make us...

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become a spiritual coach


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Let’s re-imagine what’s possible and transform your life from the inside – out.

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